MAKE Ukraine your cause : We NEED YOUR HELP!
Start off SMALL
First : TALK
The FIRST thing and one of the most important things is to tell your friends about us!
Send out 10 emails to friends today and ask them to visit our site and choose a method to help!
Second: Post
The SECOND thing we need is for you to post for us on any and ALL social media asking your contacts and followers to visit us and to find a way here to volunteer.
Third: SMILE
The THIRD thing you can do is add us to your Amazon account as your choosen charity.
Simpley choose this link:
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.
Housing for Refugee Families
Help us provide apartments or rent for families who have fled the war in the eastern Donbas regions of Ukraine to the western city of Lviv. Unfortunately, these families have lost everything including their homes and sources of income. Many now are being forced to return to the war zone and "home" only to face the more of the atrocities of Russian occupied areas. Please help us to support Ukrainian families with a monthly donation. Rents in Lviv, while higher than normal, are very reasonable by western standards. Monthly rent is roughly $350.00. Please help with a month or pair up and share for part of a month.
"Jobs, we need work"
Many in the eastern occupied territories of Ukaine have fled west to Lviv and somewhat safer cities. Unfortunately, there are not enough jobs in these cities to support the huge influx of refugee families. They are being forced to return to the east. These families live very simply in comparison to western standards. The average wage in Ukraine is $495.00 per month. Think about what that would provide while we help these families develop new employement opportunites with their own businesses.
Support a family in poland
Global Humanitarian Assistance can help you "Adopt" a family. Provide these women and children with a safe home, food and clothing, assistance in relocation to safety, and hope.
Support an orphan
"150 Orphan Children arrived from Ukraine with nothing but the clothes on their backs". Help us provide these children with a clothing, food, a safe home away from war.
Love ARises in ukraine
This is our first knitting project in Ukraine. A friend of mine in Poland said, "Ukrainian women love to knit". We believe in providing the women in our program with a competitive working wage and in helping them to develop, with our assistance, a for-profit business with all the support that they need (legal, bookkeeping, administrative, regulatory, inport-export) and an assured market to provide long term jobs and a company that, in time, these women will own. As their needs move from humanitarian aid to a for-profit company, we will adjust their humanitarian aid and allow them to take the profits to ensure their long-term futures.
Our charitable model ensures not just immediate aid but a path to long-term stability and independence. Please help us today!
Love ARises in poland
My friend, who is a Ukrainain who lives in Poland and is housing two families in her childhood flat in Stargard, Poland said to me, "Ukrainian women knit". With our help, Ukrainian knitters in Poland will have a job, shelter, food, clothing, security, and safety. We are currently forming the charitable foundation in Poland. Your donation will help us to provide the humanitarian support that they need NOW. The housing, food, clothing, transportation, medical support, and HOPE that they need for a better day. With your support, they will know that they are on their way to long-term stability and independence. Please help us today!
Support a family in Poland
Global Humanitarian Assistance can help you "Adopt" a family. Provide these women and children with a safe home, food and clothing, assistance in relocation to safety, and hope.
Support an orphan
"150 Orphan Children arrived from Ukraine with nothing but the clothes on their backs". Help us provide these children with a clothing, food, a safe home away from war. Support an orphan by helping us to purchase food and clothing for a local shelter in Poland.