What is Global Humanitarian Assistance?
Global Humanitarian Assistance is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Our articles of incorporation and bylaws are to provide humanitarian assistance in the form of shelter, housing, food, clothing, transportation, medical, medicine, and mental health care to those who are displaced by war, are refugees, or are displaced by natural disaster or famine. We are a new charity and our focus right now is on Ukraine. In time, we expect that the tools that we develop will be applicable to other domains, crises, disasters and displaced people worldwide.
What is "Ukraine-Aid" and why Ukraine-aid.care?
Ukraine-Aid is for awareness purposes. Our projects at this time are all in or related to Ukraine. We thought this name identification would help focus our efforts and the donative efforts on Ukraine and the crisis the war has created there. Unfortunately, domains can be expensive when someone buys a domain and wants to sell it for a huge profit. The Domain "Ukraine-Aid.Com" was taken and, well, Ukraine-Aid.CARE really tells our story better anyway! We are in this to provide care to those who come to us in need.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes! We have been formed as a public charity in the State of Georgia. We have filed and received the determination that we are a federally tax-exempt public charity under 501(c)(3). Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent of any charitable donation may be given your specific tax situation. Please contact a tax advisor for guidance.
How are you spending my donation? Are you really in Ukraine?
In a word, Yes! We are really in Ukraine and Poland. We have purchased an existing charitable foundation that has been in existence for the last two years. We have changed the equivalent of articles of incorporation and bylaws to be consistent with those we have in the United States as applicable under Ukrainian law. We have re-registered this foundation which is owned by Global Humanitarian Assistance, Inc.(a US public charity). Our directors form some of the directors on the Ukrainian organization. Your donations are being applied either to specific goals if you give in that form or generally to the areas of need we identify in Ukraine or Poland.
Why do your talk about average salaries?
Our mission is to allow those whom we help to have agency in the process of that assistance. By paying the average salary even when these women are not actively employed, we give them agency in the process of managing their own lives. This provides hope. As these women develop their products and businesses, they have hope in knowing they are independent even when we are providing assistance. This model then suggests long-term support with long-term independence. Given the nature of the crises these women face, it will likely be years if not decades before some return to normalcy.